Windrow Composting of Agricultural Residues

20 vistas· 04 Jul 2019
Roberto Rosado
Roberto Rosado
25 Suscriptores

This video was filmed at the Windrow Composting Facility at Adjuntas Agricultural Experiment Station. The material being composted is 100% coffee pulp. The windrow turner goes though the pile moving and aerating the material, steam can be seen from the back of the turner as water evaporates due the high compost temperature. The aeration aids the microorganisms by supplying oxygen as they feed on the feedstock. The composting process eventually renders a stable material.

This project is possible by the generous support of NRCS National Conservation Innovation Grants.

Este video se grabo en las Facilidades de Compostas en Pila de la Estación Experimental Agrícola de Adjuntas. El material que se procesa es 100% pulpa de café. El volteador mueve la pulpa oxigenando el material, vapor de agua se observa por detrás del implemento ya que la pila esta caliente. La aeración ayuda a proveer oxigeno a los microorganismos que consumen la materia orgánica. Finalmente el proceso de composta resulta en material orgánica estable.

Este proyecto es posible gracias al patrocino de NRCS National Conservation Innovation Grants.

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